March 31, 2009

recycled bag stuff

So I came upon a new blog in order to "Discover easy, stylish and super convenient ways to green your lifestyle with Josh Dorfman, green entrepreneur, media personality, author of The Lazy Environmentalist. No guilt-trips. Never any sacrifice. Josh offers insights into cutting-edge products and services, emerging trends, and innovation underway to bring our lifestyles into balance with nature."

I'm totally the bag lady when it comes to buying those reusable bags at Safeway, Whole Foods, etc., whoever has a cute one at the moment. I think at the moment I have about 12 bags and 1 hot/cold one.

To my surprise and delight Angry Little Girls has a bag that screams "gotta have!" with it's sassy saying "Shop with a reusable bag, bitch!" AWESOME!!!

Now I can go to the farmers market (with all the other yuppie-granola-wannabes) proud to be loud!